2016년 7월 28일 목요일

Week 1 - Lisa Park

Week 1

So during our first week lesson, we look through out different artists. And for the first week artists I chose Lisa Park for my research. 
Lisa Park: is an interdisciplinary artist living in New York City and Seoul, South Korea.

Research about Artworks: 
  • Her artworks are showing emotional states and the subconscious.
  • Eunoia and Eunoia II, she controlled pools of water with her brainwaves.
  • Accomplished by having electroencephalography (EEG) data to create sound waves which were pushed through pools of water, causing them to ripple.
  • So basically she works with the experimental brain computer technologies of the NeuroSky EEG headset, it measures her eye movement, along with delta, theta, alpha, and beta waves of her brain.
Electroencephalography (EEG)

Process of Artwork:
  • Eunoia: 
  • For Eunoia, she separated the EEG data into five emotions, each of which fed into one of five pools of water.
  • Eunoia II (Beautiful Thought):
  • For Eunoia II, she expanded her conception of brain activity to cover 48 pools of water, matching the 48 emotions described by philosopher Baruch Spinoza.
  • Also, while Park strove to control her emotions in Eunoia in order to keep the pools of water still, she changed her approach in Eunoia II to focus on expressing emotions.

Though the data is robust, it's mostly inscrutable to the untrained eye. She creates a simple visual metaphor that allows visitors to clearly see the effects of her brain activity through the use of five 24 metal dishes half filled with water that are perched upon 15 speakers arranged in a circle. Each dish represents a particular emotion and together are meant to represent infinite unity, while she is centre stage attempting enlightenment.



Info about Lisa Park:

Info about Eunoia:


Lisa Park & Eunoia:

Electroencephalography (EEG):

Process of Artwork:

Metal Plate:

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